Benefits of the AKWAMASTA®

Only one person to do the job

Simple, one-man operation means you can tackle a huge range of levelling jobs that usually require two operatives.

Completely Versatile

The AKAKWAMASTA is completely versatile, meeting all kinds of levelling challenges from simple home improvements to construction and engineering.

Simple and easy to use

Easy to use by any skilled or unskilled person after simple instruction. If you can read a rule you can read an AKWAMASTA.

Compare levels up to 30 metres apart

From concreting pins in a foundation trench to the cross fall of a field – take fast, accurate measures when you need them and avoid surveyor costs.

Works around, over and under obstructions

With no line of sight needed, you can work ‘blind’ around walls, furniture and anything else that would obscure an optical or laser level. Ideal for blind, room-to-room measurements, small spaces and for checking gradients over long distances.

100% percent accuracy

The AKWAMASTA provides 100% accuracy when levelling, with a less than 4mm error when directly reading a fall of 1m.

Quick to use - save time

Take fast accurate readings in the time it takes to set up optical levels. With no need for line of sight, you go quickly round a furnished room taking measurements accurate to 1mm.

No batteries or calibration

The AKWAMASTA works on gravity and is self calibrating each time you set it up.

Competitive Pricing

A great affordable price for professional quality equipment – up to 6 times cheaper than other pro water levels.

Made to last

The AKWAMASTA  is a robust product that is made to last and cannot rust.

50 Years Experience

The AKWAMASTA was invented by South Wales Building Inspector, John Davies in 1967, and has been helping people meet their levelling challenges for 50 years.

Award winning

AKWAMASTA is an award winning product recommended by the construction industry and engineers alike. See our many recommendations >>